
This post is part of the mini-series “CIDER’s Orchard”. Currently I’m planning 3 installments in the series, but this might change depending on my inspiration.

The Periphery of the Orchard

The Periphery of CIDER’s Orchard includes many Clojure libraries that are the underpinnings of important, but non-critical CIDER features. My definition of “non-critical” is “features that are nice to have, but you can be reasonably productive even without them”.

Unlike the libraries that live in the Heart of the Orchard, most libraries in the Periphery were not created, as part of CIDER’s development.1 There are quite a few libraries living in the Periphery of the Orchard, so brace yourselves for a rather long post.


cljfmt powers the cider-format-* family of commands. Those commands are pretty handy if people are part of teams where not everyone’s using Emacs/CIDER and using an external formatting tool is the only way to get everyone’s code formatted in the same manner.

Project Status

The project is widely used in the Clojure community and it’s actively maintained and developed.

There’s just one thing that’s really needed to take the support for it in CIDER to the next level - teaching cljfmt about indentation metadata. If someone would like to tackle this ticket, that’d be so amazing! That would also be a major step forward towards adopting a common indentation specification across the Clojure ecosystem!


profile powers CIDER’s profiling functionality.

Unfortunately, it seems we never really documented the built-in profiling support, so I wonder how many people even know that it exists.2 Hopefully this post will inspire some of you to check it out! The profile commands are available under the C-c C-= prefix (and under Profile in cider-mode’s menu).

Project Status

The project has been dormant for 4 years, so I guess it could use some help. On the other hand - it has 0 outstanding issues, so it can just as easily be perfect.3


We currently use java.classpath to power CIDER’s classpath browser and all sorts of classpath introspection functionality (e.g. checking if some required libraries are present on the classpath and so on).

The orchard library actually provides a Boot-aware wrapper around java.classpath, that understands all the classpath magic that happens around Boot’s classpath handling. These days CIDER doesn’t use java.classpath directly - only via orchard.

Project Status

java.classpath is a Clojure Contrib project. It hasn’t seen much changes over the past years, but given its simplicity - it doesn’t really need much maintenance either. The only big change that happened was related to the release of Java 9.

java.classpath is a simple library and ideally we should just get replicate its functionality in orchard, so we can make orchard self-contained.


CIDER uses tools.namespace in two ways:

  1. To power the cider-ns-refresh code-reloading functionality.
  2. As a generic ns-search API (e.g. to find all project namespaces).

The reloaded workflow generated a lot of buzz a few years back, so I assume a lot of CIDER users make use of cider-ns-refresh.

Project Status

tools.namespace is a Clojure Contrib project. It seems to be unmaintained. The work on the 0.3 branch started some years ago and stopped at 0.3.0-alpha4. tools.namespace gets the job done, but then again there are certainly problems with it that needed to be addressed at some point.

That’s a super popular and important library in the Clojure ecosystem, so the current situation is definitely unfortunate.

I think that a good course of action would be to replicate at least the ns-search functionality in Orchard directly, and to potentially tackle the ns-reloading as well at some point. Generally the less the dependencies we have to Clojure Contrib projects, the better.


CIDER uses tools.reader in its cider-format-edn family of commands. Not sure how many CIDER users make use of those, so it’s safe to say tools.reader is not particularly important part of CIDER’s Orchard.

Project Status

tools.reader is a Clojure Contrib project. It is under active development and has an awesome maintainer. Unfortunately, it also has a bus factor of 1.4


CIDER uses tools.trace to power its built-in execution tracing functionality.

Project Status

tools.trace is a Clojure Contrib project. Like most Clojure Contrib projects, there’s not a lot going on in tools.trace, but it gets the job done and that’s what matters the most at the end of the day. I don’t recall a single tracing-related issue to have ever been reported to CIDER, so I guess we’re good here.


sayid is a turbo-charged tracing library5. It ships with an nREPL middleware and a very powerful Emacs UI (basically, an extension for CIDER).

While it’s not currently part of CIDER itself, I’m hoping that one day sayid is going to be promoted to a first-grade CIDER component, as it’s way more powerful than tools.trace.

Project Status

The project is part of CIDER’s organization, but it doesn’t have a maintainer right now and we’re actively looking for one (or more). I apply the occasional bugfix, but that’s the extent of the love sayid gets today, and it certainly deserves way more attention.


clj-refactor and refactor-nrepl are the biggest projects living in the Orchard’s Periphery. They’ve got some extra dependencies themselves, but I’ll focus only on the top-level projects for now.

clj-refactor and refactor-nrepl extend CIDER with a lot of commands for all sorts of common refactoring tasks (e.g. renaming vars, extracting bindings/functions, cleaning up ns forms and so on). There’s some really good stuff there! Just like cider-nrepl, refactor-nrepl was created for CIDER, but it’s not tied to CIDER and other editors are leveraging the nREPL middlewares provided by it.

Some of you are probably wondering why this functionality is not part of CIDER and cider-nrepl, right?

The answer to this question is two-fold:

  • Even now I can’t keep up with the current core CIDER codebase and I’m very wary when it comes to having to maintain more complex code. I’ve already reached the limit of what I can handle.6
  • clj-refactor.el and refactor-nrepl make use of some dependencies that add a lot of complexity - e.g. clj-refactor.el uses heavily packages multiple-cursors and refactor-nrepl powers some of its functionality by doing static code analysis with tools.jvm.analyzer. As building the AST for a project takes some time, and requires to evaluate all of the project’s namespaces in the process, there’s a lot of inherent complexity that goes with it.

Generally I believe that we should be working towards gradually merging the libraries into CIDER, but we should be very careful with the complexity overhead. There’s plenty of functionality in refactor-nrepl that doesn’t rely on project-wide static code analysis and I believe we should start there.

By the way, don’t get me wrong - there’s nothing wrong the static code analysis approach. It’s just not something we have the bandwidth to support given the current state of CIDER and its ecosystem.

Probably if the parsing was done without evaluating the code I would have been more enthusiastic about this. It seems to me that a simplistic parser that ignores macro expansions would yield 90% of the benefits with 10% of the complexity.

Perhaps one of you, my dear Clojurians, would like to take a stab at something like this?

Project Status

We’ve historically struggled to keep cider-nrepl and refactor-nrepl in sync, but lately the APIs have stabilized and the situation has been a bit better. Generally the main problem has always been the fact that the two projects were developed by different groups of people and refactor-nrepl would often trail a bit upstream changes in CIDER.

The problems were recently compounded by the fact that the maintainers of clj-refactor and refactor-nrepl have had very little time for them and we barely managed to get new releases out that were compatible with CIDER 0.18.

These awesome projects really need some help and some love!

Interlude - The Emacs Part of the Orchard

There are actually way more projects related to CIDER - clojure-mode, sesman (CIDER’s session manager) and a myriad of Emacs extensions (some of which are documented here).

It’s not like they don’t need help and work - quite the contrary! I’ve opted, however, to focus on the Clojure’s side of CIDER’s ecosystem, as improvements to it are going to result in improvements across the board (the greater Clojure ecosystem).


Time to wrap up this installment, as it’s getting pretty long already. If I had to summarize the post to its very essence it’d be something like:

  • The Orchard is Huge!
  • Some Clojure Contrib projects that we use are liabilities right now and ideally we should replace them with other libraries.
  • Key projects like sayid and refactor-nrepl are dangerously close to being abandonware and we really more contributors there!

If it seems to you that maintaining CIDER’s Orchard is an extremely time-consuming and stressful work, you’re totally right. Often I wonder how we managed to get so far with the limited resources that we have and the never-ending problems that impede big advancements in many directions.

The current situation is not sustainable and these series should serve as a wake up call for everyone who didn’t understand it. Can we turn things around? Can we ensure the future of CIDER’s Orchard? Can we build a strong foundation for Clojure development tools?

That’s going to be the topic of the next post in the series.

Until then - keep hacking!

  1. refactor-nrepl, profile and sayid being the exceptions. 

  2. What a wonderful idea for a new blog post! 

  3. It could just as easily mean that no one is using CIDER’s profiler. 

  4. Which is actually the best bus factor you can get in Clojure Contrib these days. 

  5. Amongst many other things. 

  6. I think I actually reached this limit at least a couple of years ago.