
This post is part of the mini-series “CIDER’s Orchard”. Currently I’m planning 3 installments in the series, but this might change depending on my inspiration.

It Starts with an Orchard

You need a great orchard in order to brew the finest cider.

– Anonymous

Throughout my career I’ve had the following observation - all software engineers want great development tools. That makes perfect sense - better tools mean better productivity, more enjoyable work and more time to focus on solving real problems.

I’ve also had another related observation - almost all software engineers expect that those great development tools are going to build themselves.1 It’s pretty much the same with software companies - most of them just take development tools as a given (especially if they are open-source) and are unwilling to invest in them. Clojure’s ecosystem is no exception. This has always puzzled me, because if I were running a company I’d certainly want to put the best possible tools in the hands of my employees, so I can maximize their output and impact.

Many people think of CIDER as a single (Emacs) project, but that’s not really the case. In fact the reality is quite different from that common perception. The vast majority of CIDER’s functionality lives in many Clojure libraries, that are general-purpose and have no specific ties to Emacs and CIDER. I call all those libraries and tools “CIDER’s Orchard”2 - the fertile ground on which Clojure tooling grows and thrives. My use of the word Clojure here is deliberate, as these days a lot of Clojure development tools share that same foundation.

Before we continue here’s a quick refresher on CIDER’s basic architecture:

CIDER Architecture

Clojure(Script) code gets executed by an nREPL server. CIDER sends requests to the server and processes its responses. The server’s functionality is augmented by additional nREPL middleware, designed specifically to address the needs of an interactive development environment like CIDER (e.g. code completion, code lookup, documentation lookup, code reloading, macroexpansion, etc).

Technically, the use of nREPL middleware is optional, as we could have just as easily dumped a bunch of libraries on the user’s classpath and evaluated code from them directly. As a matter of fact - that’s exactly what early versions of CIDER were doing.

The middleware approach has a few distinct advantages:

  • You can easily massage data in the middleware and return it to clients in an easy to consume format. Early versions of CIDER had some really gnarly Clojure code embedded as huge strings in the Emacs Lisp code. This was needed because a non-Clojure client can’t easily parse arbitrary EDN data and we always had to convert the data returned by Clojure libraries to a simpler format that’s more suitable for the use-cases of an interactive programming environment.
  • The middleware provides valuable abstractions like sessions, that allow us to cleanly separate user evaluations from tooling evaluations (e.g. you don’t want the code that CIDER ran to get some completion candidates to obscure your *1).
  • Middleware can transform a request/response in a transparent fashion - this allows you decouple very well different responsibilities in your code (e.g. pretty-printing can just be some middleware that modifies the values returned by an eval middleware, and some authorization middleware can check for credentials and dangerous code prior to sending off the code for evaluation).
  • It’s easy for clients to determine the capabilities of a REPL server. You can just ask the server about the operations it supports and decide what to do on the client side based on the server’s response.

The Heart of the Orchard

CIDER’s Orchard is pretty big these days and a single post can’t do it justice. Today I’ll cover only the more important areas of CIDER’s Orchard. All of them are in essence Clojure libraries, and they underpin many of the core features of CIDER.

I’ll give only a very brief overview of most projects in the Orchard and I might get to write in more details about some of them down the road.


At the center of it all is nREPL.

I recently wrote extensively about its importance , so I’ll keep this section light.


cider-nrepl is basically a thin wrapper around many Clojure libraries, that provides an nREPL interface for working with them. There’s almost no “business” logic in cider-nrepl, except for the debugger, the test runner and the stacktrace processor.

cider-nrepl started out as a CIDER-specific thing, but it became something much more than this. Very little functionality in cider-nrepl is CIDER-specific and today several other Clojure programming environments are using it (e.g. vim-fireplace, iced-vim, calva). In hindsight I deeply regret naming it cider-nrepl, as orchard-nrepl would have been a more fitting name and would have made it more apparent that cider-nrepl is very useful outside the context of CIDER.

Project Status

cider-nrepl has a couple of maintainers - me and Vitalie Spinu. We’re also fortunate to be getting some outside contributions from time to time. It was really great to get a couple of PRs from the author of vim-iced recently!

On the negative side - the project has lots of open issues and a lot of gaps when it comes to ClojureScript support.

There’s also the fact that my attention is spread over many projects, and lately I’ve had almost no time for cider-nrepl.


Piggieback adds ClojureScript support to nREPL. Improving Piggieback is key to having a better ClojureScript experience in CIDER (and any other nREPL client).

Project Status

Piggieback currently has just one maintainer and a half (Bruce Hauman and me). I count myself as half a maintainer as my knowledge of ClojureScript is pretty basic and I certainly can’t tackle anything important or complex there.

There are plenty of cool ideas in the backlog (this one being my favourite one), but we certainly need some help to make those happen!


Originally SLIME was the most popular way to program in Clojure with Emacs and a lot of useful functionality was created for it to support things like code completion, value inspection, finding references, apropos and so on. This functionality was implemented as a swank adapter written in Clojure and lived in the swank-clojure project.

Subsequently CIDER and cider-nrepl replaced SLIME and swank, and much code was moved from swank-clojure to cider-nrepl and continued to evolve there.

You can watch the presentation The Evolution of the Emacs tooling for Clojure to learn more about all of this.

The orchard project is an effort to prevent repeating the mistakes of the past - cider-nrepl was split into two libraries, so that non-nREPL clients can make of use of the general functionality contained in cider-nrepl (e.g. things like apropos, inspect, etc).

Much of the tooling code required to build Clojure editors and smart REPLs is tool-agnostic and should be reused between tools, instead of copied and altered in each and every tool.

As of the time of this writing most of CIDER’s core functionality lives in orchard. Once the library is feature-complete using a middleware-less approach is going to be become much easier for those who prefer it (e.g. you can use orchard easily in combination with a plain socket REPL or nREPL without cider-nrepl).

Project Status

Currently I’m orchard’s only maintainer, but I hope that’s going to change at some point. I believe this library has great potential and that we, as a community, should invest more effort into it.

My most important objective for it is to eliminate all deps it has and make it completely self-sustained (as it uses just a bit of java.classpath and tools.namespace that’s not very hard to do). A secondary objective is to complete the extraction of functionality from cider-nrepl - a simple, but time-consuming process.


cljs-tooling is basically the ClojureScript counter-party to orchard. It powers the core ClojureScript functionality like code completions, var info, etc.

In an ideal world the library would have been named orchard-cljs, but you know how it is - naming is hard.

cljs-tooling predates orchard, therefore the inconsistent naming and artifact ids. Down the road we can still see [cider/orchard-cljs], though. That’s not really important at this point - our focus should be on getting to feature parity with the functionality provided by orchard and compliment and that’s going to require quite a lot of work.

Project Status

cljs-tooling doesn’t have any maintainers right now. The project was actually on ice for almost 3 years, before Andrea started hacking on it a few months ago. We could really use the help of some ClojureScript masters here!


compliment powers the Clojure code completion. It’s the only library in the Heart of the Orchard, that didn’t originate within the scope of the development of CIDER and clj-refactor.

Project Status

compliment is an amazing library with an amazing maintainer. As far as CIDER goes there’s nothing important that needs doing there.

The only big item remaining is to replace clojure-complete with compliment in the broader Clojure ecosystem. A task that I’ve started on and miserably failed. Hopefully one of you, dear readers, is going to pick up the slack and drive this to completion.

I’d like to extend a huge “Thanks!” to Alex Yakushev for the awesome work he has done with compliment for so many years now! He certainly deserves more than one compliment! We need someone like him for every project in The Orchard!


One thing that’s tricky when writing development tooling is dependency isolation. You’re normally running the development tools and the actual application that someone’s developing in the same process, which means there’s some chance that your development library and the user code are going to depend on the same libraries.

Most of CIDER’s deps are something that would normally not be a part of an application (e.g. why would you need compliment in an app), but still you can run into problems, especially in teams where people are using different programming environments. Let me illustrate this with an example - CIDER users would never use something like tools.namespace or tools.tracing directly, but users of some other editor might very well want to do so and add explicit deps to those libraries in the dev profile of their applications.

To prevent such conflicts cider-nrepl uses MrAnderson - a tool for rewriting and inlining dependencies. It works both on Clojure and Java deps (it changes the namespaces for Clojure deps and the packages of Java deps).

Project Status

MrAnderson has been serving us well for years, but it definitely has room for improvement and I know that its author could use some help getting MrAnderson to the next level.

In particular, I’d love it if someone fixed this bug.

Interlude - The Orchardists

One things that really depresses me these days and how small the team maintaining The Heart of the Orchard is.

Out of a dozen or so awesome Clojurians who were working on CIDER-related tooling in the early days, only me, Vitalie and Alex are still very actively involved with the projects.

We really need our new Jeff Valk, Artur Malabarba, Michael Griffiths, Hugo Dundan… If we’re looking for new open-source gigs - we’re certainly “hiring”.

My “nREPL Redux” post managed to get some people excited about nREPL and the project received a record number of contributions afterwards.3 I can only hope that we can replicate this effect on a larger scale!

Here and there in the post I’ve referenced some high-impact tasks that you might want to tackle, but I’d welcome each and every contribution, no matter how small it is.


We’ve barely scratched the surface of CIDER’s Orchard, but it should already be apparent there’s a lot going on and plenty of work to go around.

You probably saw a recurring theme in the post - we really need more ClojureScript hackers to help with piggieback, cljs-tooling and cider-nrepl. We’re still dreaming of porting the debugger to ClojureScript.

Stay tuned for the next installment where we’re going to venture to the outskirts of CIDER’s Orchard and examine the many projects that dwell there.


  2. Not to be confused with the orchard library. 

  3. Including a great new logo