
  1. informal : showing or suggesting an explicit awareness of itself or oneself as a member of its category : cleverly self-referential
  2. An ancient modifier key on certain keyboards, the memory of which lives on in Emacs today.


  1. brought back; resurgent:
    the Victorian era redux.

Meta Redux is the other personal tech blog of Bozhidar Batsov. It (somewhat) complements and (partially) succeeds my original blog “(think)” at

About Me

I’m Bozhidar1 and I love computers in general and programming in particular2. My fanatic devotion to Emacs is known world-wide. I spend a lot of my (free) time on GitHub, contributing to various open-source Ruby, Clojure and Emacs Lisp projects.

The above paragraph is actually what I typically use as my bio for conference talks. I love speaking at conferences and I’m really bad at it!3

You can learn more about me here.

About Meta Redux

This site is my attempt to share some of the things that are on my mind with all of you, and in the mean time improve my (non-programming) writing and communication skills.

The main focus of the blog are going to be my open-source work and programming. I reserve the right to write about anything and everything if I deem fit to do so. I also reserve the right to be lazy and not write about anything at all.

About My Other Blogs

I have way too many blogs at this point! In hindsight, probably I went a bit overboard with them, but it is how it is.

Generally I write here about programming and my open-source projects and most other topics end up on some of my other blogs.


(think) is my original personal site/technical blog. Meta Redux somewhat supersedes it (especially as a technical blog), but I still occasionally write articles over at (think) if I feel they don’t fit my vision for Meta Redux.

Emacs Redux

I run a separate blog focused on Emacs, that you might want to check out as well - Emacs Redux.

This blog precedes Meta Redux (I started it in 2013) and it inspired me to come up with the Meta Redux name.


As you might imagine maintaining many open-source projects is a challenging and time-consuming undertaking (from time to time it’s also quite frustrating). While I certainly didn’t get involved with open-source for money (who in their right mind would?), some funding is definitely rewarding, motivating and just useful.

Please, consider supporting my open-source work at one of the following patronage services:

Note that some of my projects also have an Open Collective, which you might consider supporting instead of me directly:


The best way to reach me is via email. I love email and rarely bother to check messages on LinkedIn (and social media in general).

I can heartily recommend Fastmail to everyone looking for a great email service that respects your privacy. Using my affiliate link to sign up will give you a 10% discount for the first year.


This website is powered by Jekyll and uses its default Minima theme.

The comments are powered by the privacy-focused service Hyvor Talk. One way to support my work is to sign up for Hyvor via my affiliate link.

I write all of the articles in Emacs and publish them to GitHub pages. These days I’m a macOS user most of the time. When I’m at home I do all my writing on my beloved Leopold FC660C4. When I’m on the road I do (or don’t do) my writing on a Apple Magic Keyboard or the built-in MacBook keyboard5.

The source code of the site is freely available at GitHub.


All original content here is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license.

  1. Божидар in Bulgarian. I know, I know - that’s both pretty hard to read and to pronounce. My friends call me Bug and so can you. 

  2. Especially Lisps! And Unix-like operating systems! And Emacs! And video games! 

  3. But at least I’m honest with myself. 

  4. Also known as the “best keyboard ever”. Seriously! 

  5. Also known as the “worst keyboard ever”. No shit!